When looking for motion sensor light, you take bulb type, light pattern, power source into consideration, but do not forget the size. Size surely matters as it definitely has a say on installation.
Large lights do not always winThe larger the space is, the more lighting it will need. A large light is always the first choice for people who want a much bright room. But think about where you are going to place these motion sensor lights at first. Closet, under cabinet, bedside, or staircase. Large lights are just unfit to put into these small spaces and sometimes too bright for a night light. In this case, the medium and small lights are better choices for storage.
Pay attention to shapeBesides size, shape also matters. For cube storages at home or in the office, rectangular or tubular motion sensor lights can extend to corners and give evener illuminance than globe ones.
And lengthAnd you still need to measure your space’s size for premium lighting. Choose a light bar that is a little bit shorter than your space’s total length, so they can be easily installed in, and offer enough lighting for your space at the same time.